About CMRL
Under the direction of Professor Somnath Ghosh, the Computational Mechanics Research Laboratory (CMRL) at JHU specializes in research involving Computational Engineering & Sciences integrating Computational Mechanics & Physics, Computational Materials Science, and Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME), with emphasis on Multiscale Modeling, Structure-Materials Modeling & Simulations, Multi-Physics Modeling of Multi-Functional Materials, Materials Characterization, Process Modeling, Machine Learning, Uncertainty Quantification, Additive Manufacturing.
Specific areas of activity include:
- Additive Manufacturing: Digital Twin for process-microstructure-performance and life
- Spatial and temporal multiscale, multiphysics modeling method development
- Modeling failure and fatigue in metals, composites, and multifunctional materials
- Coupled phase-field crystal plasticity modeling for heterogeneous materials
- Fatigue and failure modeling and damage sensing of engineering components
- Data-driven methods, Machine Learning and Uncertainty Quantification
- Synthetic microstructure builders, statistically equivalent RVEs
- Atomistic-continuum multiscale modeling of polymeric and metallic materials
- Novel computational model development
Chartered in July 2013, The Center for Integrated Structure-Material Modeling & Simulation (CISMMS) creates a collaborative, multidisciplinary research and educational program to foster foundational advances in computational modeling, simulation and design in the fields of Integrated Computational Materials Science and Engineering (ICMSE) , Multi-Scale Analysis (MSA) and Computational Structure-Material Analysis and Design (CSMAD). CISMMS creates three dimensional and computerized models and simulations to study and improve the design of materials ranging from automobiles and air craft to biomaterials and electronics.
Examples of CMRL Work

Somnath Ghosh
Director of CMRL
Director of CISMMS
Michael G. Callas Chair Professor
Departments of Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Materials Science & Engineering
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Latest News
Somnath Ghosh Awarded 2024 J.N. Reddy Medal for Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures
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Hopkins, Carnegie Mellon to co-lead new NASA institute: The JHU-CMU team is spearheading a Space Technology Research Institute to prevent failure in additively manufactured spaceflight materials.
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Somnath Ghosh receives TMS 2023 Materials Processing & Manufacturing Division Distinguished Scientist/Engineer Award
Somnath Ghosh, the Michael G. Callas Chair Professor in the Department of Civil and Systems Engineering, has been selected to receive The Mineral, Metals, and Materials Society’s (TMS) 2023 Materials Processing & Manufacturing Division Distinguished...