- Prof. Ghosh presented “Wavelet Transformation Based Multi-time Scaling (WATMUS) for Fatigue and Coupled Multi-physics Problems” at the International Symposium on Multiscale Computational Analysis of Complex Materials, on August 29, 2017 in Lyngby, Denmark.
- Prof. Ghosh received the 2017 TMS Structural Materials Division Distinguished Scientist/Engineer Award.
Prof. Ghosh attended the 14th International Conference on Fracture (ICF14) in Rhodes, Greece from June 18 to 23, 2017. His lecture was entitled, “Fatigue Modeling In Polycrystalline Alloys: Advancing Computational Mechanics and ICME Tools“.
- Jiaxi Zhang successfully defended his thesis entitled, “Developing a Crack Propagation Model in the Metallic Materials from Self-Consistent Coupled Atomistic-Continuum Model” on June 9th, 2017.
- Prof. Ghosh gave a keynote lecture at the EMI 2017 conference entitled, “Computational Framework Involving Spatial and Temporal Multi-Scaling for Coupled Transient Electromagnetics-Mechanical Phenomena” on June 5th in San Diego, California.
- Shu Guo completed his doctoral degree in Spring 2017 was hooded by Prof. Ghosh. at the Doctoral Hooding Ceremony at Shriver Hall on May 23rd, 2017.
- Shu Guo successfully defended his thesis entitled, “A Coupled Multi-Physics Analysis Model for Integrating Transient Electro-Magnetics and Structural Dynamic Fields with Damage” on May 1st, 2017.
- This year’s Mach Conference was held in Annapolis, Maryland, on April 5-7. Prof. Ghosh and three members of our CMRL team attended this meeting and presented their work.
- Prof. Ghosh spoke at the AAE Spring Colloquium series at Purdue University on March 30th, 2017. The title of his seminar was ‘Spatial and Temporal Multiscale Models for Advancing the Integrated Computational Structure-Materials Engineering Initiative‘.
- Prof. Ghosh was invited to speak at the Materials Science and Engineering department seminar on March 24th, 2017, at the University of Michigan. Prof. Ghosh is an alumni and received his PhD in the department of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics in 1988.
- Prof. Ghosh spoke at the Materials Science Seminar series at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Sandia National Labs in Albuquerque, New Mexico on March 16th, 2017.
- Prof. Ghosh spoke at the Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics (CEEM) seminar series at Columbia University on February 14th, 2017. His talk entitled, “Spatial and Temporal Multiscale Models for Advancing the Integrated Computational Structure-Materials Engineering Initiative”, was well received by faculty members and students.
- Prof. Ghosh gave a Plenary Lecture entitled, “Computational Mechanics Approaches for Addressing the Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) Initiative” at the Multiscale Materials Modeling (MMM2016) conference in Dijon, France on October 9th to 14th, 2016.
- Prof. Ghosh attended the Fifth anniversary of the Materials Genome Initiative (MGI), at the White House in Washington, DC., on August 2nd, 2016. The Materials Genome Initiative (MGI), was announced by President Obama on June 24th, 2011.
- Prof. Ghosh successfully chaired the IUTAM Symposium SYFSO12 on Integrated Computational Structure-Material Modeling of Deformation and Failure Under Extreme Conditions, held in Baltimore, Maryland, June 20th-22th, 2016. This event was hosted by Johns Hopkins Whiting School of Engineering and co-sponsored with USACM.
- Reza Yaghmaie won the ASCE-EMI Student Paper Competition in Dynamics at the Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI) Conference, in Nashville, Tennessee from May 22-25, 2016. His paper was on “Multi-Time Scale Coupled Transient Electro-Magnetic and Structural Dynamics Finite Element Analysis for Antenna Simulations”,
- Prof. Ghosh gave the plenary lecture at the EMI/PMC 2016 conference. This conference was held in Nashville, Tennessee, from May 22nd to May 25th. The title of his lecture was “Spatial and Temporal Multiscale Models for Advancing the Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) Initiative”.
- Both Coleman Alleman and Jiahao Cheng were hooded by Prof. Ghosh at Shriver hall in front of their families, friends and colleagues.
- Jiahao Cheng successfully defended his thesis on March 10th. The title of his thesis is, “Crystal Plasticity FE Models for Predicting Deformation and Twining in Polycrystalline Magnesium Alloys”.
- Professor Ghosh, accepted a joint appointment position as Professor, at the Materials Science & Engineering (MSE) Department, Johns Hopkins University.
- Professor Ghosh elected a Fellow of Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI), American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).
- Professor Ghosh named President, US Association for Computational Mechanics (USACM) 2014-2016.
- Shahriyar Keshavarz joined National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in the Materials Science and Engineering Division as Guest Researcher.
- C. Tao defended her M.S. thesis entitled “A Dual Time Scale Finite Element Model for Simulating Cyclic Deformation of Polycrystalline Alloys”.
- B. Leibowitz, defended his M.S. thesis entitled “Method for Computing Motor Vehicle Crash Energy Based on Detailed Crush Data and Stiffness Values”.
- Professor Ghosh is the Founder/Director of Johns Hopkins University Center for Integrated Structure-Materials Modeling and Simulation (CISMMS).
- Professor Ghosh received the 2013 Distinguished Alumnus Award. Prof. Sunando DasGopta and Prof. Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay from the Indian Institute of technology, Kharagpur, India visited Johns Hopkins University to present the award.
- Shahriyar Keshavarz won first place at the Postdoctoral Poster Competition in JHU
Congratulations to postdoctoral researcher Shahriyar Keshavarz for winning the 1st place with his poster entitled “Multi-Scale Crystal Plasticity Modeling of APB Shearing & Micro Twinning in Nickel based Superalloys” at the 1st Annual Homewood Postdoctoral Poster Competition hosted by the Homewood Postdoctoral Association on September 20, 2013. - Professor Ghosh received the American Society of Civil Engineering’s Nathan M. Newmark Medal.
- Jiahao Cheng awarded 3rd place in the Computational Mechanics Student Poster Competition
This competition was held during the Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference (EMI 2013) in August 4-7, 2013 at Northwestern University. - Shu Guo Won the 2013 student poster competition award
Congratulations to PhD student Shu Guo for winning the award with his poster entitled “A Finite Element Model for the Analysis of 3D Transient Coupled Electromagnetic Structural Dynamics Problems” at the 12th U.S. National Congress for Computational Mechanics held in Raleigh, NC on July 22-25, 2013. - Professor Somnath Ghosh has been selected to receive the 2013 Distinguished Alumnus Award
from the Indian Institute of technology, Kharagpur, India. Prof. Ghosh got his Bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering from IIT back in 1980. Click here for more. - Coleman Alleman won the People’s Choice Award
At the 2013 MACH Conference in Annapolis, Maryland, it was chosen by a vote of all those attending the poster session for his poster entitled, “Homogenization-Based Multiscale Modeling of Crystal Plasticity and Ductile Failure at High Strain Rates”. - Jared Kuker receives a 2013 National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship
Congratulations to PhD student Jared Kuker who was selected to receive a NDSEG Fellowship. The Department of Defense offers these fellowships to individuals who have demonstrated the ability and special aptitude for advanced training in science and engineering. - The Search for Tougher Materials
Professor Ghosh is featured on the Magazine of the Johns Hopkins Whiting School of Engineering, Winter 2013 issue
- Professor Ghosh is the Founder/Director of Johns Hopkins University Center for Integrated Structure-Materials Modeling and Simulation (CISMMS).
- Professor Ghosh received the 2013 Distinguished Alumnus Award. Prof. Sunando DasGopta and Prof. Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay from the Indian Institute of technology, Kharagpur, India visited Johns Hopkins University to present the award.
- Shahriyar Keshavarz won first place at the Postdoctoral Poster Competition in JHU
Congratulations to postdoctoral researcher Shahriyar Keshavarz for winning the 1st place with his poster entitled “Multi-Scale Crystal Plasticity Modeling of APB Shearing & Micro Twinning in Nickel based Superalloys” at the 1st Annual Homewood Postdoctoral Poster Competition hosted by the Homewood Postdoctoral Association on September 20, 2013. - Professor Ghosh received the American Society of Civil Engineering’s Nathan M. Newmark Medal.
- Jiahao Cheng awarded 3rd place in the Computational Mechanics Student Poster Competition
This competition was held during the Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference (EMI 2013) in August 4-7, 2013 at Northwestern University. - Shu Guo Won the 2013 student poster competition award
Congratulations to PhD student Shu Guo for winning the award with his poster entitled “A Finite Element Model for the Analysis of 3D Transient Coupled Electromagnetic Structural Dynamics Problems” at the 12th U.S. National Congress for Computational Mechanics held in Raleigh, NC on July 22-25, 2013. - Professor Somnath Ghosh has been selected to receive the 2013 Distinguished Alumnus Award
from the Indian Institute of technology, Kharagpur, India. Prof. Ghosh got his Bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering from IIT back in 1980. Click here for more. - Coleman Alleman won the People’s Choice Award
At the 2013 MACH Conference in Annapolis, Maryland, it was chosen by a vote of all those attending the poster session for his poster entitled, “Homogenization-Based Multiscale Modeling of Crystal Plasticity and Ductile Failure at High Strain Rates”. - Jared Kuker receives a 2013 National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship
Congratulations to PhD student Jared Kuker who was selected to receive a NDSEG Fellowship. The Department of Defense offers these fellowships to individuals who have demonstrated the ability and special aptitude for advanced training in science and engineering. - The Search for Tougher Materials
Professor Ghosh is featured on the Magazine of the Johns Hopkins Whiting School of Engineering, Winter 2013 issue
- Professor Ghosh is leading the Center of Excellence on Integrated Material Modeling, CEIMM, which will advance the Computational Integrated Materials Science and Engineering Initiative. The center includes researchers from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the University of California Santa Barbara, military and industry researchers under the U.S. Air Force award. (Read more: JHU, WSE, HEMI
- Coleman Alleman and Jiaxi Zhang won 1st and 3rd prize in the student poster competition, respectively, from2012 EMI/PMC conference held in Notre Dame, IN.
- With Professor Ghosh as the Chairman, the 22nd International Workshop of Computational Mechanics of Materials was held successfully in Baltimore from September 24 – 26, 2012. It was sponsored by Whiting School of Engineering, Johns Hopkins University; US National Association of Computational Mechanics (USACM) and National Science Foundation (NSF).
- Professor Ghosh is on the Magazine of the Johns Hopkins Whiting School of Engineering, Summer 2012 issue,Computational Mechanics Takes Flight.
- Professor Ghosh, book publication-“Micromechanical Analysis and Multi-Scale Modeling Using the Voronoi Cell Finite Element Method”, CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, 2011, ISBN: 978-1-4200-9437-4
- Professor Ghosh and Professor F.K. Chang of Stanford University received a grant from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, for MURI: Bio-inspired Intelligent Sensing Materials for Fly-by-Feel Autonomous Vehicles
- Professor Ghosh named M. G. Callas Chair Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Johns Hopkins University
- Professor Ghosh, accepted position as Professor, Department of Civil Engineering and Department of Mechanical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University
- Professor Ghosh named Secretary & Treasurer, US Association for Computational Mechanics 2010-2012
- Professor Ghosh named Vice Chair, Computational Mechanics Committee, Engineering Mechanics Institute, ASCE
- P. Chakraborty was awarded Honorable Mention, Melosh Medal Competition
- Daniel Paquet was awarded 2nd prize at the Hayes Graduate Research forum, OSU
- Professor Ghosh elected a Fellow of the International Association of Computational Mechanics (IACM)
- Professor Ghosh elected a Fellow of The American Academy of Mechanics.
- Deepu Joseph completes his Ph.D. and joins Scientific Forming Technologies Corporation
- Professor S. Ghosh named 2009-2015 Member of General Council, International Association of Computational Mechanics
- Daniel Paquet was awarded the prestigious Best Poster Award at the Physical Metallurgy Gordon Research Conference held on August 2-7, 2009.
- Professor S. Ghosh organizes the 10th US National Congress of Computational Mechanics from July 15-19 at the Columbus Convention Center
- Professor S. Ghosh is invited to be a Member of University Advisory Board, MSC Software Company
- V. Dakshinamurthy, successfully defends his Ph.D. dissertation entitled “Integrated Multi-scale Characterization and Analysis Model for Ductile Fracture of Heterogeneous Metallic Alloys” in Spring 2009.
- V. Dakshinamurthy joins Exxon Mobil Research and Engineering Center
- H. Bhatnagar joins Siemens-Energy, FL
- J. Jain joins Baker Hughes Inc, Houston, TX
- Professor S. Ghosh gets Lumley Faculty Research Award, College of Engineering, OSU
- H. Bhatnagar successfully defends his Ph.D. dissertation entitled “Computational Modeling of Failure in Thermal Barrier Coatings under Cyclic Thermal Loads” in Autumn 2008.
- Jayesh R. Jain successfully defends his Ph.D. dissertation entitled “Homogenization Based Damage Models for Monotonic and Cyclic Loading in 3D Composite Materials” in Autumn 2008.
- Jie Bai successfully defends his Ph.D. dissertation entitled “A Homogenization based Continuum Plasticity-Damage Model for Ductile Failure of Materials Containing Heterogeneities” in Winter 2008
- Jie Bai Joins M3TechCenter in Ann Arbor MI
- V. Dakshinamurthy, received the Presidential Fellowship for Dissertation Research, OSU
- H. Bhatnagar receives Outstanding Research Award, Mechanical Engineering, OSU
- Professor S. Ghosh is elected member of the Executive Council, US Association for Computational Mechanics (4 year term) for the second time.
- Professor S. Ghosh is elected Fellow of American Association for the Advancement of Science
- Professor S. Ghosh is elected Fellow of United States Association of Computational Mechanics,
- Professor S. Ghosh is elected Chair of ASME-AMD Committee of Computing in Applied Mechanics
- Professor S. Ghosh is elected Chair of ASME-AMD Committee of Material Processing and Manufacturing
- K. Kirane successfully defends his M.S. thesis entitled “Grain Level Fatigue Crack Initiation Model Based on Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Analysis” in Autumn 2007
- K. Kirane joins Goodyear, OH
- S. Manchiraju successfully defends his M.S. thesis entitled “A Dual Time Scale Finite Element Model for Simulating Cyclic Deformation of Polycrystalline Alloys” in Summer 2007.
- H. Bhatnagar receives the Outstanding Doctoral Student Award, NASA URETI Program
- Srivastava receives US Association of Computational Mechanics Conference Grant, 9th US National Congress of Computational Mechanics, San Francisco, Ca.
- H. Chao receives US Association of Computational Mechanics Conference Grant, 9th US National Congress of Computational Mechanics, San Francisco, Ca.
- Professor Ghosh becomes USASM (US American Society for Metals) International Fellow.
- Professor Ghosh becomes USACM (United States Association for Computational Mechanics) Fellow
- CMRL graduate Yash Bhandari joins Abaqus Inc as Technical Engineer.
- Sivom Manchiraju wins the “Material Modeling Speciality Committee Student Presentation Competition” at the 7th World Congress on Computational Mechanics organized by the USACM (US Association for Computational Mechanics).
- Mike Groeber and Himanshu Bhatnagar are Edward Hayes Award Winners for 2006.
- Professor Ghosh will be the Chair of the Organizing Committee of the 10th US National Congress of Computational Mechanics.
- Shanhu Li is a Melosh Medal Finalist for 2006.
- Shanhu Li, a PhD student working under Prof. Somnath Ghosh, has successfully defended his PhD thesis ‘Extended Voronoi Cell Finite Element Model for Damage in Brittle Matrix Composites‘
- Shashwat Sinha joins Abaqus Inc as Technical Engineer
- Abhijeet Tiwary joins Siemens Power Generation as Engineer 2
- Dhyanjyoti Deka joins 2H Offshore as an Engineer
- Shriram Swaminathan is now a Technical Engineer with ABAQUS Inc
- Professor Ghosh is the Chair of the NUMIFORM 2004 (Numerical Methods In Industrial Forming Processes) to be held in OSU.
- Professor Somnath Ghosh Appointed to the John B. Nordholt Professorship
- Prasanna Raghavan, a Ph.D. student working under Professor Somnath Ghosh, has won the prestigious Melosh Medal for the year 2003.
- Professor Ghosh and his research work have been featured in the ‘Research Spotlight’ section in the ‘Center for Materials Research’ website.
- Professor Ghosh was invited to be the featured keynote speaker at the annual Computational Science and Engineering Research Symposium held on 25th of April, 2003, at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign.
- Professor Ghosh has been awarded the coveted Lumley Research Award for outstanding research from the Ohio State University for the year 2003.
- Shawn Pearson, an Under Graduate student working under Professor Ghosh has won the second place in the UG DENMAN competition for his research work entitled ‘An Analytical Approach to the Design of Canine Cemented Hip Prosthesis’.
- Krishnan, a M.S. student working under Professor Ghosh, recently graduated from the Computational Mechanics Research Group at OSU and has accepted a position with Vextec Corporation.
- Professor Somnath Ghosh has been recently elected to the Executive Council of the United States Association of Computational Mechanics.
- Paul Eder, a M.S. student in Mechanical Engineering, working with Professor Somnath Ghosh has been awarded the 2nd Prize in the 2002 Edward F. Hayes Graduate Research Forum for his paper entitled `HIGH PERFORMANCE MULTI-LEVEL PARALLEL PROGRAMMING FOR ADAPTIVE MULTI-SCALE MODELING OF COMPOSITE, POROUS AND METALLIC MATERIALS.’