Group Members

Postdoctoral Researchers

Tawqeer Nasir Tak

Ph.D.: IIT Bombay, India

Aalok Jha

Ph.D.: IIT Kanpur, India

Yangyuanchen Liu

Ph.D.: Duke University

Prajwal Kammardi Arunachala

Ph.D.: Stanford University (Sept ’24)
M.S.: Stanford University (Apr ’19)
B.Tech.: Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (May ’17)

Improving existing phase field fracture models for Ti-alloys, extending them to account for fatigue loading, and ensuring effective parametric upscaling for large-scale industrial applications.

Sponsored by Office of Naval Research

Current Ph.D. Students

S.K. Gargeya

Kishore Nair

Joshua Stickel

Lucas Ferreira

Nolan Strauss

Isabella Snyder

Gino Varkey

Yanrong Xiao

Current Undergraduate Students

Claire Elizabeth Borden