Prof. Somnath Ghosh to Receive 2020 IACM Computational Mechanics Award

February 7, 2020

Congratulations to Somnath Ghosh, the Michael G. Callas Chair Professor in the Department of Civil and Systems Engineering, who will receive the 2020 Computational Mechanics Award from the International Association for Computational Mechanics  (IACM)!

The IACM Computational Mechanics Award is given primarily for contributions to traditional areas such as computational structural/solid mechanics, or computational fluid dynamics. It is also given to recognize contributions outside these specific areas in recognition of accomplishments in software development, scientific computing, research contributions in computational electromagnetics, semi-conductor device simulation, biomechanics or other areas that are not traditionally embraced by computational structural/solid mechanics or computational fluid dynamics, but which have general applicability to computational mechanics. Ghosh will be officially recognized at IACM’s World Congress on Computational Mechanics in Paris in mid-July 2020.

Link to Civil and Systems Engineering article