Lab Alumni

Past Postdoctoral Researchers

Dr. B. P. Murgas

April 2022-December 2023

Ph.D.: CEMEF, MINES ParisTech
(Research Scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory)

Research Interest
Multiscale modeling of materials during metal forming, deformation, and crack nucleation.

Area of work
Multiscale modeling platform for performance and failure analysis of cold spray formed materials.


  • Ph.D., PSL University, Mines ParisTech. Sophia Antipolis, France.
  • M.S., Université de Lorraine, Arts et Métiers ParisTech and LEM3. Metz, France.
  • B.E., École Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Metz. Metz, France.
  • B.E., Universidad Industrial de Santander. Bucaramanga, Colombia.

Dr. E. Massarwa

January 2023-December 2023

Ph.D.: Tel Aviv University, Israel

Dr. X. Zhang

July 2021-December 2022

Ph.D.: Johns Hopkins University
(Staff Engineer at Third Wave Systems)

PhD, Civil Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, United States.
MS. Civil Engineering, Northwestern University, Illinois, United States.
BS. Civil Engineering,  University of Macau, Macau, China.

Area of work
Developing Parametrically Homogenized Continuum Damage Mechanics (PHCDM) Model for Composite materials. This PHCDM model accounts for the microscopic morphology and evolution of composite materials during the analysis of macroscopic deformation and damage. Meanwhile, the multi-scale damage model is much more computationally efficient than the conventional FE2 methods, enabling us to understand material failure behaviors across multiple length scales with affordable computation resource.


  1. X. Zhang, D. O’Brien and S. Ghosh “Parametrically homogenized continuum damage mechanics (PHCDM) models for composites from micromechanical analysis”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,


  1. X. Zhang,  D. O’Brien and S. Ghosh. “Parametric Homogenization Based Continuum Damage Mechanics Model for Composites.”  Mach Conference. Annapolis, MD. April, 2018.
  2. X. Zhang, Z. Li, D. O’Brien and S. Ghosh. “Multi-scale Damage Modeling of Composites: Parametric Homogenization Based Continuum Damage Mechanics.” American Society for Composites 31th Technical Conference. Williamsburg, Virginia. September, 2016

Dr. C. Prakash

May 2019-July 2022

Ph.D.: Purdue University
(Assistant Professor at IIT Hyderabad)

Research interest
Multiscale modeling of materials under extreme loading condition, Phase-Field Method.
Current Project: Multiscale modeling and design of protective hybrid composite systems for Aerospace structures.​

Past Education Details:
Ph.D., School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Purdue University, USA, 2014-2018
M.Tech., Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India, 2012-2014
B.Tech., Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Raipur, India, 2007-2011

Dr. Shravan Kotha

December 2020-Dec. 2021

Ph.D.: Johns Hopkins University
(Staff Engineer at Materials Resources, LLC: MRL)

Dr. George Weber

September 2020-Sept. 2021

Ph.D.: Johns Hopkins University
(Staff Researcher at NASA Langley Research Center)

Dr. S. Chakraborty

May 2020-April 2021

Ph.D.: Johns Hopkins University
(Staff Researcher at Los Alamos National Laboratory)

Dr. Q. Yang

October 2018-December 2020

Ph.D.: University of Pittsburgh
(Assistant Professor at Shanghai University)

Dr. D. Ozturk

August 2019-July 2020

Ph.D.: Johns Hopkins University
(Startup Co. Blockdot, Inc.)

Dr. R. Yaghmaie

January 2018-August 2018

Ph.D.: Johns Hopkins University
(Research Engineer at Onescale, Post-Doc. at Rutgers)

Dr. A. Bagri

October 2015-August 2018

Ph.D.: Brown University
(Research Engineer at GE Global Research Center)

Dr. J. Cheng

May 2016-August 2018

Ph.D.: Johns Hopkins University
(Research Scientist at Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

Dr. S. Guo

June 2017-November 2017

Ph.D.: Johns Hopkins University
(Assistant Professor at Yanshan University, China)

Past PhD Students

Saikat Dan

Dissertation Title: Machine Learning-Aided Digital Twins For Damage Sensing: A Multi-Physics And Multi-Scale Computational Framework Using Piezoelectric Composites
(Staff Engineer at Third Wave Systems).)

Preetam Tarafder

Dissertation Title: Parametrically Upscaled Coupled Constitutive Damage Model For Piezoelectric Composites
(Staff Engineer at Goodyear R&D)

Thirupathi Maloth

Dissertation Title: Micromechanical Modeling of Deformation and Fracture in Polycrystalline Microstructures
(Staff Engineer at Third Wave Systems)

Jinlei Shen

Dissertation Title: Multi-Scale Modeling of Deformation and Micro-Texture Region Effect on Fatigue Crack Nucleation in Two-Phase Ti Alloy Using Parametrically Upscaled Constitutive Models
(Staff Engineer at Broadcom Inc.)

Maxwell Pinz

Dissertation Title: Statistical and Computational Approaches in ICME with Applications in Fatigue and Additive Manufacturing

Xiaofan Zhang

Dissertation Title: Parametrically Homogenized Continuum Damage Mechanics (PHCDM) Models for Unidirectional Fiber-Reinforced Composites
(Staff Engineer at Third Wave Systems)

Shravan Kotha

Dissertation Title: Parametrically Homogenized Constitutive Models for Titanium Alloys
(Staff Engineer at Materials Resources, LLC: MRL)

George Weber

Dissertation Title: Parametrically Homogenized Crystal Plasticity Model for Nickel-Based Superalloys: Intragranular Microstructures to Polycrystalline Aggregates
(Staff Researcher at NASA Langley Research Center)

Xiaohui Tu

Dissertation Title: Developing Image-based Crystal Plasticity Models for Deformation and Crack Propagation in Polycrystalline 7000-series Aluminum Alloys
(Post-Doctoral Researcher at USC, Staff Engineer at Saint-Gobain)

S. Chakraborty

Dissertation Title: Development of a Self-Consistent Coupled Atomistic-Continuum Model to Study Brittle and Ductile Fracture in Metallic                       Materials
(Staff Researcher at Los Alamos National Laboratory)

Deniz Ozturk

Dissertation Title: Multi-scale Modeling and Uncertainty Quantification of Deformation and Fatigue Crack Nucleation in Titanium Alloys using Parametrically Homogenized Constitutive Models
(Startup Blockdot, Inc.)

Ahmad Shahba

Dissertation Title: Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Simulation of Deformation and Fracture in Polycrystalline Microstructures
(Software Engineer at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Staff at Technical Data Analysis, Inc.)

Zhiye Li

Dissertation Title:  Micromechanical Studies of Glass Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Matrix Composites Undergoing Deformation and Damage at High Strain Rates
(Post-Doctoral Scholar at Stanford University)

Reza Yaghmaie

Dissertation Title: Multi-Physics Computational Framework For Coupled Electric, Magnetic and Mechanical Systems Using Wavelet Transformation-based Multi Time Scaling (WATMUS)
(OnScale, Post-Doctoral Fellow at Rutgers University)

Jiaxi Zhang

Dissertation Title: Developing Crack Propagation Model in Metallic Material from Self-Consistent Coupled Atomistic-Continuum Model.
(Staff at Google Inc.)

Shu Guo

Dissertation Title: A Coupled Multi-physics Analysis Model for Integrating Transient Electro-Magnetics and Structural Dynamic Fields with Damage.
(Assistant Professor at Yanshan University, China)

Jiahao Cheng

Dissertation Title: Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Models for Predicting Deformation and Twinning in Polycrystalline Magnesium Alloys.
(Staff Researcher at Oak Ridge National Laboratories)

Coleman Alleman

Dissertation Title: Distribution Enhanced Methods of Homogenization for Heterogeneous Materials and Multi-scale Crystal Plasticity Modeling.
(Principal Member of Technical Staff at Sandia National Laboratory)

Daniel Paquet

Dissertation Title: Adaptive Multi-Level Model for Multi-Scale Ductile Fracture Analysis in Heterogeneous Aluminum Alloys.
(Hydro-Québec Research Institute (IREQ), University of Montreal, Montreal Canada)

Pritam Chakraborty

Dissertation Title: Wavelet Transformation Based Multi-Time Scale Method for Fatigue Crack Initiation in Polycrystalline Alloys.
(Associate Professor at IIT Kanpur, India, Previously at Idaho National Laboratory)

Anand Srivastava

Dissertation Title: A Molecular Dynamics Based Study of Bulk and Finite Polystyrene-Carbon Dioxide Binary Systems.
(Associate Professor at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India)

V. Dakshinamurthy

Dissertation Title: Integrated Multi-scale Characterization and Analysis Model for Ductile Fracture of Heterogeneous Metallic Alloys
(Manager, Engineering & Computational Physics at ExxonMobil)

Deepu S. Joseph

Dissertation Title: Wavelet Decomposed Multi-Time Scale Algorithm for Crystal Plasticity FEM Based Analysis of Cyclic Deformation (Scientific Forming Technologies Corporation)

H. Bhatnagar

Dissertation Title: Computational Modeling of Failure in Thermal Barrier Coatings under Cyclic Thermal Loads
(Siemens-Energy, FL)

Jayesh R. Jain

Dissertation Title: Homogenization-based Damage Models for Monotonic and Cyclic Loading in Composite Materials
(Sr Principal Data Scientist Baker-Hughes, Houston, TX)

Jie Bai

Dissertation Title: A Homogenization based Continuum Plasticity-Damage Model for Ductile Failure of Materials Containing Heterogeneities
(Senior Technical Staff, Halliburton, TX)

Chao Hu

Dissertation Title: Locally Enhanced Voronoi Cell Finite Element Model for Ductile Fracture in Heterogeneous Cast Aluminum Alloys (Senior Engineer General Motors, Apple)

Mike A. Groeber

Dissertation Title: Development of an Automated Characterization-Representation Framework for Modeling of Polycrystalline Materials in 3D
(Associate Professor at the Ohio State University, Previously at Air Force Research Laboratory, WPAFB, Dayton, OH, )

Shanhu Li

Dissertation Title: Extended Voronoi Cell Finite Element Model for Damage in Brittle Matrix Composites

P. Raghavan

Dissertation Title: Multiple Scale Modeling of Damage in Composite Materials
(INTEL Corp., Chandler, AZ)

Kyunghoon Lee

Dissertation Title: Adaptive Hierarchical Modeling of Response and Damage in Heterogeneous Materials
(CEO, Solution Lab, Daejeon, Korea)

Mingshan Li

Dissertation Title: Characterization and Modeling of Damage in Metal Matrix Composite Microstructures
(Ford Research Laboratory, MI)

S. Moorthy

Dissertation Title: The Voronoi Cell Finite Element Method for  Response and Damage Analysis of Arbitrary Heterogeneous Media
(Assistant Professor at Louisiana State University)

S. Roy

Dissertation Title: An Approach to Optimal Design of Multi-stage Metal Forming Processes by Micro-Genetic Algorithms
(Altair Engineering, Troy, MI)


Past MS Students

Arunjyoti Sinha Roy

Thesis Title: Molecular Dynamics Study on Deformation Mechanisms in Polyurea
(Caterpillar, IL)

Zhiren Zhu

Thesis Title: Computational Analysis of Piezoelectric Systems Using A Coupled Multiphysics Finite Element Model
(Ph.D. student at Brown University)

Shinu Baby

Thesis Title: Homogenization based Continuum Damage Model For Composites
(Corning Glass , NY)

C. Tao

Thesis Title: Crystal Plasticity Based Finite Element Modeling in Polycrystalline Ti-7Al Alloys
(Assistant Professor at Purdue University)

B. Leibowitz

Thesis Title: Method for Computing Motor Vehicle Crash Energy Based on Detailed Crush Data and Stiffness Values
(Ford Motor Company)

E. Tedjaseputra

Thesis Title: Numerical Simulations of Microstructure-Based Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Model for Titanium and Nickel Alloys

J. Thomas

Thesis Title: Simulating the Mechanical Response of Titanium Alloys Through the Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Analysis of Imaged-Based Synthetic Microstructures
(AltaSim Technologies, OH)

P. Dondeti

Thesis Title: Rate-Dependent Homogenization based Continuum Plasticity Damage Model for Dendritic Cast Aluminum Alloys
(Cummins Engineering, IN)

J. Zhang

Thesis Title: Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Crack Propagation Behavior and Mechanisms in Nickel

C. Alleman

Thesis Title: Molecular Dynamics Investigations of Polystyrene- Based Binary Thin Film Systems: Interfacial Properties and Mechanical Behavior

P. Gokulanandam

Thesis Title: Homogenization based Continuum Damage Models for Composites under Monotonic and Cyclic Loading
(Joined SIMULIA, OH)

S. Behera

Thesis Title: Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Crack Evolution in Nickel
(Ph.D. student in ME at OSU)

K. Kirane

Thesis Title: Grain Level Fatigue Crack Initiation Model Based on Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Analysis
(Assistant Professor, SUNY Stony Brook)

S. Manchiraju

Thesis Title: A Dual Time Scale Finite Element Model for Simulating Cyclic Deformation of Polycrystalline Alloys
(Ph.D. in MSE at OSU)

G. Venkatramani

Thesis Title: Grain Size Dependent Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Model for Deformation and Creep Studies in Polycrystalline Ti-6242
(Goodyear, OH)

Y. Bhandari

Thesis Title: CAD Based Simulation of Polycrystalline   Microstructures Finite Element Mesh Generation from FIB Serial Sections

A. Tiwary

Thesis Title: Numerical Conformal Mapping Methods for Arbitrary Shaped Heterogeneities in VCFEM

D. Deka

Thesis Title: Crystal Plasticity Modeling of Deformation and Creep in Polycrystalline Ti-6242
(Joined Acteon Group’s Offshore Inc.)

S. Sinha

Thesis Title: Experimental-Computational Approach to Life Prediction Based on Ratcheting Failure in HSLA Steels
(Joined ABAQUS West, CA)

S. Swaminathan

Thesis Title: Statistically Equivalent Representative Volume Elements for Composite Microstructures
(Boeing, WA)

A. Khadke

Thesis Title: Numerical Simulations and Design of Shearing Process for Aluminum Alloys
(COO at Noumenon Multiphysics)

K. Ganapati

Thesis Title: Stress Analysis of a Canine Femur with a Prosthetic Stem
(Cummins Inc., Vextec Corp., TN)

P. Eder

Thesis Title: High Performance Multi-level parallel Programming for Adaptive Multi-Scale Finite Element Modeling of Composite and Porous Structures
(Altair Inc., OH)

V. Hasija

Thesis Title: Modeling Deformation and Creep in Ti-6Al alloys with Experimental Validation
(Joined GESAC Inc., MD)

J. Fan

Thesis Title: A Three-Dimensional Voronoi Cell Finite Element Method for Linear Elasticity
(Joined SGI., MN)

Y. Ling

Thesis Title: Interfacial Debonding in Multi-fiber Polymer Matrix Composites by the Voronoi Cell Finite Element Method
(Taylormade Inc.)

M. Narasa

Thesis Title: Large Deformation Voronoi Cell Finite Element Analysis with Crystalline Plasticity
(Joined MARC Inc., CA)

S. Raju

Thesis Title: R-S Adapted Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian Finite Element Method for Metal Forming Problems with Strain Localization

Y. Liu

Thesis Title: Voronoi Cell Finite Element Method for Micropolar Thermoelastic Heterogeneous Materials.

T. Camino

Thesis Title: Use of the Finite Element Method in Design Optimization of Total Hip Arthroplasty

S.N. Mukhopadhyay

Thesis Title:  Analysis of Random Composites Using Voronoi Cell Finite Elements

S.K. Manna

Thesis Title: An Adaptive Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian Finite Element  Analysis of Metal Forming Problems.

Past Undergraduate Honors Students

D. Nosse


S. Pearson


E. Moore


P. Eder



At The Ohio State University

J. Woeste, 2009
D. Nosse, 2002-2003
S. Pearson, 2002-2003
E. Moore, 2001-2002
P. Eder, 1999-2000
C. Alleman, 2007-2008
A. Lis (MSE senior project), 2006-2007
M. Lambert, 2001-2003
R. Butler, 2002-2003
M. Groeber, 2002-2003
P. Eder, 1999-2000
D. Williams, 1989-1990
D. Marlow, 1990-1991

Past Undergraduate Students

Claire Elizabeth Borden           


Emily Yao                                


Austin Lee                               


M. Gerber


G. Balderas


J. Woeste


K. Chisaka

MSE senior project

C. Alleman


A. Lis

MSE senior project

M. Lambert


R. Butler


M. Groeber


P. Eder


D. Williams


D. Marlow


Past Visiting Scholars & Students

F. Fontaine

Visiting Student

Ecole nationale supérieure des Mines de Paris, France

Zhou Jiming

Visiting Scholar

Northwestern Polytechnical University, P.R. China

N. Anandavalli

Visiting Scholar

CSIR Structural Engineering Res. Centre, Chennai, India

R. Geelen

Visiting Student

Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Past Staff Members

Jayleen Gunn

Department of Mechanical Engineering
The Ohio State University
Room W494
201 West 19th Avenue
Columbus, OH 43210 
Phone: (614) 247-2101
Fax: (614) 292-3163
E-mail: [email protected]


Ji Yeon “Jae” Hong

Research Program Coordinator (2012-2014)

Product Support Specialist
Esri Korea
City Air Tower Suite #2005.36
Teheran-ro 87-gil Gangnam-gu
Seoul, 135-973 Korea
Phone: +82-2-2-86-1900
E-mail: [email protected]