Group News
Dr. Ghosh and CMRL Research Group Present at MIT-EMI Conference, May 2018
The Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference was held at MIT from May 29-June 1, 2018. Max Pinz presented "A Novel Framework for Multiscale Modeling of Ni Based Superalloys Using a Physics Based, Machine Learning Informed Constitutive Law". Deniz...
Dr. Ghosh and CMRL Researchers Give Presentations at the Final Meeting of CEIMM Project April 2018
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Congratulations to Zhiren Zhu for joining Berkel and Company in Silver Spring, Maryland.
After completing his Masters degree this August, with his thesis, "Computational Analysis of Piezoelectric Systems Using a Coupled Multiphysics Finite Element Model", Zhiren has joined Berkel and Company in Silver Spring, Maryland, as a junior foundation...
George Weber Received 1st Place for the Student Poster Competition Award at USNCCM14
Congratulations to George Weber! He won first prize for his poster at the 14th U. S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM14) in Montreal, Canada. George joined CMRL in 2013 and is a graduate student from the department of Mechanical Engineering....
Prof. Ghosh is a keynote speaker at USNCCM14 in Montreal, Canada.
Prof. Somnath Ghosh will give a keynote lecture at the USNCCM14 conference entitled, "Computational framework involving spatial and temporal multi-scaling for coupled transient electromagnetics-mechanical phenomena" at the Multiphysics Computation and Coupled...
Jiaxi Zhang successfully defended his thesis on June 9th, 2017
Congratulations to Jiaxi Zhang! He successfully defended his thesis entitled, “Developing a Crack Propagation Model in the Metallic Materials from Self-Consistent Coupled Atomistic-Continuum Model” on Friday June 9th, 2017. Members of his thesis committee included,...
Shu Guo’s Doctoral Hooding Ceremony
[metaslider id=8022] The Whiting School of Engineering and the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences held their third annual Homewood Schools' Doctoral Hooding Ceremony at Shriver Hall. The event took place on May 23rd, 2017 at 3:00 pm. Shu Guo who completed his...
CMRL members participated in the 2017 Mach Conference
This year's Mach Conference was successfully held in Annapolis, Maryland, on April 5-7. Prof. Ghosh and three members of our CMRL team attended this meeting and presented their work. Jiahao Cheng, a postdoctoral researcher, gave an oral presentation entitled, “Crystal...
Dr. Yonggang Huang met with members of CMRL on March 9th, 2017
Dr. Yonggang Huang, the Walter P. Murphy Professor of Civil Environmental Engineering and Mechanical Engineering at Nothwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, was the invited speaker for the CE-CISMMS co-sponsored Graduate Seminar on March 9th. The title of his...