
Group News

Jiaxi Zhang successfully defended his thesis on June 9th, 2017

Congratulations to Jiaxi Zhang! He successfully defended his thesis entitled, “Developing a Crack Propagation Model in the Metallic Materials from Self-Consistent Coupled Atomistic-Continuum Model” on Friday June 9th, 2017. Members of his thesis committee included,...

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Shu Guo’s Doctoral Hooding Ceremony

[metaslider id=8022] The Whiting School of Engineering and the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences held their third annual Homewood Schools' Doctoral Hooding Ceremony at Shriver Hall. The event took place on May 23rd, 2017 at 3:00 pm.  Shu Guo who completed his...

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CMRL members participated in the 2017 Mach Conference

This year's Mach Conference was successfully held in Annapolis, Maryland, on April 5-7. Prof. Ghosh and three members of our CMRL team attended this meeting and presented their work. Jiahao Cheng, a postdoctoral researcher, gave an oral presentation entitled, “Crystal...

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