Somnath Ghosh, Director

Michael G. Callas Chair Professor 
Departments of Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Materials Science & Engineering
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, Maryland, USA

Office Address: 
203 Latrobe, 3400 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218
Tel: (410) 516 7833 (off), 614 352 5688 (cell)
Fax: (410) 516 7473
E-mail: sghosh20 [at] jhu [dot] edu

Areas of Specialization and Interest

Computational Mechanics with a focus on materials modeling, multi-scale structure-materials analysis and simulations, multi-physics modeling and simulation of multi-functional materials, materials characterization, process modeling, emerging fields like Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME). Specific areas of activity include:

  • Multiple spatial and temporal scale modeling and simulations of mechanical-electro-magnetic phenomena, applied to antenna and sensor applications
  • Multiple spatial and temporal scale image-based modeling of polycrystalline materials
  • Multiple spatial and temporal scale image-based modeling of composite materials
  • Multi-scale material characterization and virtual image simulation
  • Fatigue and life prediction of metals and composites with experimental integration
  • Brittle and ductile failure of heterogeneous materials
  • Molecular dynamics simulations of polymeric and metallic materials
  • Uncertainty quantification and Probabilistic methods in multi-scale modeling
  • Additive manufacturing, metal forming and materials processing simulation and design
  • Instabilities in thermal barrier coatings
  • Novel finite element model development
  • Biomaterials and design of bio-implant and prosthetics
  • Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. (Advisor: Professor N. Kikuchi)
  • M.S., Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. (Advisor: Professor S. Mukherjee)
  • B.Tech., Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India
Professional Experience
2011- Michael G. Callas Chair Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Johns Hopkins University
2011- Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University
2014- Professor, Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Johns Hopkins University
2010-2011 Research Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Johns Hopkins University
2004-2011 John B. Nordholt Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, The Ohio State University
1999-2011 Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Ohio State University
2001-2011 Professor, Department of Materials Science & Engineering, The Ohio State University
2002-2003 Chair, Applied Mechanics Thrust Area, Mechanical Engineering, Ohio State University
1995-1999 Associate Professor with Tenure, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Applied Mechanics and Aviation, The Ohio State University
Su 1997 Invited Visiting Professor, Civil Engineering, University of Bordeaux I, France
1996-2011 Participating Faculty, Biomedical Engineering Center, The Ohio State University
1991-1995 Assistant Professor, Department of Engineering Mechanics, The Ohio State University
1988-1991 Assistant Professor, Engineering Mechanics, The University of Alabama
1986-1987 Instructor, Mechanical Engineering & Applied Mechanics, University of Michigan
Professional Leadership
2018-2020 Publications Sub-Committee Chair/JOM Advisor, ICME Committee, (TMS)
2018-2019 Vice-President, Board of Governors, Engineering Mechanics Institute, (EMI/ASCE)
2017-2018 Treasurer, Board of Governors, Engineering Mechanics Institute, (EMI/ASCE)
2016-2019 Member, Board of Governors, Engineering Mechanics Institute, (EMI/ASCE)
2016-present Founder/Director, JHU Software Hub (JHU-SofHub)
2013-present Founder/Director, JHU Center for Integrated Structure-Materials Modeling & Simulation (CISMMS)
2012-2018 Director & PI, Air Force Center of Excellence on Integrated Materials Modeling (CEIMM)
2016 Chair, IUTAM Symposium SYFSO12 on Integrated Computational Structure-Material Modeling of Deformation and Failure under Extreme Conditions
2015-present Founding & Governing Board Member, Gordon Research Conference on Multifunctional Materials & Structures: The Science of Autonomic, Adaptive and Self-Sustaining Systems
2014-2016 President, US Association for Computational Mechanics (USACM), (Vice-President 2012-2014, Secretary/Treasurer 2010-2012)
2011-2014 Chair, Computational Mechanics Committee, Engineering Mechanics Institute, ASCE (Vice-Chair: 2010-2011, 2014-2015)
2012 Chair, Organizing Committee, 22nd International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials (IWCMM-XXII)
2009-2021 Member of General Council, International Association of Computational Mechanics
2009 Chair, Organizing Committee, 10th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics
2007-2009 Chair, ASME-AMD Committee of Computing in Applied Mechanics (CONCAM) (Vice-Chair: 2005-2007)
2007-2009 Chair, ASME-AMD Committee of Material Processing and Manufacturing (MPM) (Vice-Chair: 2005-2007)
2004 Chair, NUMIFORM 2004: Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes
Other Professional Service
2019-2022 Member of Advisory Council, LAETA – Associated Laboratory for Energy, Transports and Aeronautics, a R&D network with engineering in Portugal
2018 Member of External Review Team, Los Alamos National Laboratory for LDRD project on “Material Processing to Performance: A Path to Physically-Based Predictive Capability”
2016- Member of External Advisory Team, Comprehensive Digital Transformation (CDT), NASA Langley Research Center (LeRC)
2016 Member of External Evaluation Team, Department of Materials Design and Innovation University of Buffalo, NY
2016 Member, Corporate Strategic Research’s 2016 CTC Reassessment Panel, ExxonMobil Corp.
Awards and Honors
Awards and Medals
2020 Computational Mechanics Award, International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM)
2019 Ted Belytschko Applied Mechanics Award, ASME Applied Mechanics Division (AMD)
2018 ICCM Investigator Medal, International Conference on Computational Methods, Rome, Italy
2017 Distinguished Scientist/Engineer Award, Structural Materials Division, The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (TMS)
2013 Distinguished Alumnus Award, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur
2013 Nathan M. Newmark Medal, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
2007 University Distinguished Scholar Award, The Ohio State University
2001 Harrison Faculty Award for Excellence in Engineering Education, The Ohio State University
2008 Lumley Faculty Research Award, College of Engineering, The Ohio State University
2004 Lumley Interdisciplinary Research Award, College of Engineering, The Ohio State University
2003 Co-author of paper winner of Robert J. Melosh Medal (Duke University)
2003 Lumley Faculty Research Award, College of Engineering, The Ohio State University
1998 Lumley Faculty Research Award, College of Engineering, The Ohio State University
1994 Lumley Faculty Research Award, College of Engineering, The Ohio State University
1994 NSF National Young Investigator (NYI) Award, National Science Foundation
1990 Science Support Award, Alcoa Foundation
1990 Research Initiation (RIA) Award, National Science Foundation
2021 Fellow, The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (TMS)
2019 Fellow, Society of Engineering Science (SES)
2014 Fellow, Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI), American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
2010 Fellow, International Association of Computational Mechanics (IACM)
2010 Fellow, American Academy of Mechanics (AAM)
2007 Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
2007 Fellow, United States Association of Computational Mechanics (USACM)
2006 Fellow, ASM International, The Materials Information Society
2000 Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
2018 TMS-SMD Luncheon Speaker, 147th TMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona
2012 Lecturer of CISM short course on Multiscale Modelling of Complex Materials, Udine Italy/td>
2004 Michael G. Callas Chair, Whiting School of Engineering, Johns Hopkins University/td>
2004 John B. Nordholt Professorship, College of Engineering, The Ohio State University/td>
1975 National Scholar, Government of India/td>
Research Awards for Students & Post-Doctoral Researchers
2018 S. Chakraborty, Third Place Prize, Student Poster Competition, The 13th World Congress in Computational Mechanics, WCCM 2018, New York City, NY
2017 G. Weber, Best Student Poster Award, US National Conference on Computational Mechanics, Montreal, Canada
2016 R. Yaghmaie, Best Paper Award, Student Paper Competition in Dynamics, Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI/PMC) Conference, Vanderbilt Univ.
2016 J. Cheng, Melosh Medal Finalist, for one of the 6 best student papers in Computational Mechanics
2013 S. Keshavarz, First Place Award, Johns Hopkins Annual Postdoctoral Poster Competition
2013 J. Cheng, Third Place Award, Computational Mechanics Student Poster Competition, Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference, Northwestern U. Evanston, IL
2013 S. Guo, Best Student Poster Award, US National Conference on Computational Mechanics, Raleigh, NC
2013 P. Chakraborty, Melosh Medal Finalist, for one of the 6 best student papers in Computational Mechanics
2013 C. Alleman, People’s Choice Award, Student Poster Competition, Mach Conference
2012 C. Alleman, First Place Award, Computational Mechanics Student Poster Competition, Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI/PMC) Conference, U. Notre Dame
2012 J. Zhang, Third Place Award, Computational Mechanics Student Poster Competition, Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI/PMC) Conference, U. Notre Dame
2010 P. Chakraborty, Honorable Mention, Melosh Medal Competition
2010 D. Paquet, 2nd prize at Hayes Graduate Research forum, OSU
2009 D. Paquet, Best poster award, Gordon Research Conference on Physical Metallurgy
2008 V. Dakshinamurthy Presidential Fellowship for Dissertation Research, OSU
2008 H. Bhatnagar, Outstanding Research Award, Mechanical Engineering, OSU
2007 H. Bhatnagar, Outstanding Doctoral Student Award, NASA URETI Program
2007 A. Srivastava, US Association of Computational Mechanics Conference Grant, 9th US National Congress of Computational Mechanics, San Francisco, CA.
2007 H. Chao, US Association of Computational Mechanics Conference Grant, 9th US National Congress of Computational Mechanics, San Francisco, CA.
2006 S. Manchiraju, Materials Modeling Student Competition Winner, 7th World Congress of Computational Mechanics at Los Angeles, CA.
2006 S. Li, Melosh Medal Finalist, for one of the 6 best student papers in Computational Mechanics
2006 M. Groeber, 1st prize at Hayes Graduate Research forum, OSU
2006 H. Bhatnagar, 3rd prize at Hayes Graduate Research forum, OSU
2003 P. Raghavan, Melosh Medal Winner, best student paper in Computational Mechanics
2003 S. Pearson, 2nd prize at Denman UG Research forum, OSU
2002 P.E. Eder, 2nd prize at Hayes Graduate Research forum, OSU
2001 P. Raghavan, 3rd prize at Graduate Research forum, OSU
1997 K. Lee, 2nd prize at Graduate Research forum, OSU
Professional Short Courses taught
2018 TMS-SMD Luncheon Speaker, 147th TMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, 2018
October 2014 “Integrated multi-scale characterization and modeling of ductile failure in heterogeneous metallic and composite materials”, MM&FGM 2014 13th International Symposium on Multiscale, Multifunctional and Functionally Graded Materials, Taua Resort, SP, Brazil, (four hours lecture).
May 2012 “Integrated multi-scale characterization and modeling of ductile failure in heterogeneous materials” on Multiscale Modeling of Complex Materials”, CISM (International Centre for Mechanical Sciences) short course, Udine Italy, (six hours lecture).
June 2012 “Linking materials models with design models” ICME Course at AEROMAT, Charlotte, NC, June 2012, (two hours lecture).
Invited Seminars
  1. S. Ghosh, “Multi-Scale Computational Models for Predicting Fatigue Crack Nucleation in Metallic Materials”, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, North Carolina State University, March 1, 2019.
  2. S. Ghosh, “Multi-Scale Computational Models for Predicting Fatigue Crack Nucleation in Metallic Materials”, Department of Mechanical Engineering & Mechanics, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, May 18, 2018.
  3. S. Ghosh, “Multi-Scale Computational Models for Predicting Fatigue Crack Nucleation in Metallic Materials”, Department of Mechanical Science & Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign, IL, April 2, 2018.
  4. S. Ghosh, “Spatial and Temporal Multiscale Models for Advancing the Integrated Computational Structure-Materials Engineering Initiative”, School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, March 30, 2017.
  5. S. Ghosh, “Issues in Computational Mechanics for Advancing ICME Related Initiatives for Metals and Alloys”, Department of Materials Science, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, March 24, 2017.
  6. S. Ghosh, “Spatial and Temporal Multiscale Models for Advancing the Integrated Computational Structure-Materials Engineering Initiative”, Materials Science and Engineering Sciences Seminar Series, Sandia National Laboratories, March 16, 2017.
  7. S. Ghosh, “Spatial and Temporal Multiscale Models for Advancing the Integrated Computational Structure-Materials Engineering Initiative”, Department of Civil Engineering & Engineering Mechanics, Columbia University, February 14, 2017.
  8. S. Ghosh, “Computational Mechanics Approaches for Addressing the Integrated Computational Materials Engineering Initiative”, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Buffalo, October 27, 2016.
  9. S. Ghosh, “Spatial and Temporal Multi-Scale Modeling of Lightweight Materials: Addressing the ICMSE Initiative”, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, April 24, 2015.
  10. S. Ghosh, “Research Activities in JHU Computational Mechanics Research Laboratory”, Lockheed Martin Webinar, August 15, 2014.
  11. S. Ghosh, “Image Based Crystal Plasticity FE Models for Predicting Fatigue in Polycrystalline Alloys: Addressing the ICMSE Initiative”, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, March 5, 2014.
  12. S. Ghosh, “Image -Based CPFE Models for Fatigue Crack Initiation in Polycrystalline Ti Alloys”, Pratt & Whitney Webinar, November 1, 2013.
  13. S. Ghosh, “Computational Mechanics Applications in Integrated Computational Materials Science & Engineering (ICMSE)”, Structures Division, NAVAIR, Pax River, October 9, 2013.
  14. S. Ghosh, “Computational Mechanics Applications in Integrated Computational Materials Science & Engineering (ICMSE)”, NASA Langley Research Center, August 26, 2013.
  15. S. Ghosh, “Computational Mechanics Applications in Integrated Computational Materials Science & Engineering (ICMSE)”, General Motors Technical Center, Warren, MI, March 2013.
  16. S. Ghosh, “Computational Mechanics Applications in Integrated Computational Materials Science & Engineering (ICMSE)”, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Vanderbilt University, February 2013.
  17. S. Ghosh, “Computational Models for Multi-Scale Modeling of Deformation and Failure in Polycrystalline and Poly-phase Materials”, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, September 2012.
  18. S. Ghosh, “Research in Computational Mechanics Research Laboratory (CMRL): A Virtual Way to Reality”, Department of Civil Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, September 2012.
  19. S. Ghosh, “Crystal Plasticity FE Models for Fatigue Crack Initiation in Polycrystalline Metals Using Temporal Multi-Scaling”, Departments of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, California Institute of Technology, March 2012.
  20. S. Ghosh, “Multi-Time Scaling Image Based Crystal Plasticity FE Models Dwell Fatigue Initiation in Polycrystalline Ti Alloys”, Department of Civil Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, November 2011.
  21. S. Ghosh, “Multi-Scale Modeling of Deformation and Failure in Poly-phase and Polycrystalline Materials”, Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen, MD, June 2011.
  22. S. Ghosh, “Multi-Scale Approach for Constitutive Modeling of ’Nickel Based Superalloys”, Metals Branch, US Air Force Research Laboratory Wright Patterson Air Force Base, January 2011.
  23. S. Ghosh, “Multi-Scale Modeling of Deformation and Failure in Poly-phase and Polycrystalline Materials”, GE J.F. Welch Technical Center, Bangalore, India, December 2010.
  24. S. Ghosh, “Dwell Fatigue Initiation in Polycrystalline Ti Alloys Using Multi-Time Scaling, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Texas A&M University, April, 2010.
  25. S. Ghosh, “Overview of Research Activities at the Computational Mechanics Research Laboratory at OSU”, Department of Civil Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, March, 2010.
  26. S. Ghosh, “Overview of Research Activities at the Computational Mechanics Research Laboratory at OSU”, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, March, 2010.
  27. S. Ghosh, “Dwell Fatigue Initiation in Polycrystalline Ti Alloys Using Multi-Time Scaling, T-3 Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, February 4, 2010.
  28. S. Ghosh, “Dwell Fatigue Initiation in Polycrystalline Ti Alloys Using Multi-Time Scaling Crystal Plasticity FE Models”, Department of Mechanical Science & Engineering, Duke University, Durham NC, December 2009.
  29. S. Ghosh, “Dwell Fatigue Initiation in Polycrystalline Ti Alloys Using Multi-Time Scaling Crystal Plasticity FE Models”, Department of Mechanical Science & Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign, November 2009.
  30. S. Ghosh, “Multi- Scale Modeling of Failure and Fatigue in Composite and Poly-crystalline Materials”, Department of Aerospace Engineering, The Ohio State University, October 2009.
  31. S. Ghosh, “Activities at the Computational Mechanics Research at OSU,’’ Procter and Gamble, Cincinnati, February 2009.
  32. S. Ghosh, “A Multi-scale Characterization and Analysis for Ductile Fracture in Heterogeneous Metallic Materials,’’ University of Colorado, Boulder, February 2009.
  33. S. Ghosh, “A Multi-scale Characterization and Analysis for Ductile Fracture in Heterogeneous Metallic Materials,’’ University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, January 2009.
  34. S. Ghosh, “A Multi-scale Characterization and Analysis for Ductile Fracture in Heterogeneous Metallic Materials,’’ University of Florida, Gainesville, March 2008.
  35. S. Ghosh, “A Multi-scale Characterization and Analysis for Ductile Fracture in Heterogeneous Metallic Materials,’’ University of Southern California, January 2008.
  36. S. Ghosh, “A Multi-scale Characterization Based Domain Partitioning Method for Heterogeneous Metallic Materials,’’ Materials Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratories, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, January 2008.
  37. S. Ghosh, “Deformation and Fatigue Modeling of Polycrystalline Metals,’’ Rolls Royce Corporation, Indianapolis, January 2008.
  38. S. Ghosh, “Multi-scale Modeling of Failure in Composites and Metallic Materials: Challenges and Progress,’’ MSC Software Distinguished Speaker Seminar Series – # 8 (Webinar), December 2007.
  39. S. Ghosh, “Predicting Ductile Fracture in Structures: A Multi-Scale Approach,’’ Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI, October 2007.
  40. S. Ghosh, “Crystal Plasticity Models with Multi-Time Scaling for Cyclic Deformation of Polycrystalline Metals,’’ Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, May 2007.
  41. S. Ghosh, “Crystal Plasticity Models with Multi-Time Scaling for Cyclic Deformation of Polycrystalline Metals,’’ University of California, Berkeley, CA, May 2007.
  42. S. Ghosh, “Multiple Scale Modeling of Deformation and Damage in Composite and Polycrystalline Materials,’’ Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, January 2007.
  43. S. Ghosh, “Computational multi-scale models for structure-material interaction,’’ Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, March, 2006.
  44. S. Ghosh, “Computational multi-scale models for structure-material interaction,’’ University of Akron, Akron, OH, March, 2006.
  45. S. Ghosh, “Computational multi-scale models for structure-material interaction,’’ Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California, February, 2006.
  46. S. Ghosh, H. Chao, A. J. Bai, D.M. Valiveti, “Ductility modeling in cast Aluminum alloys’’, Ford Scientific Research Laboratory, Dearborn, MI, February 2006.
  47. S. Ghosh, “Computational multi-scale models for structure-material interaction,’’ Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, February, 2006.
  48. S. Ghosh, H. Chao, A. Tiwary, D.M. Valiveti, “Ductility modeling in cast Aluminum alloys’’, Ford Scientific Research Laboratory, Dearborn, MI, May 2005.
  49. S. Ghosh “Multiple scale modeling for deformation and failure of heterogeneous materials’’, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India, December 2004.
  50. S. Ghosh “Multiple scale modeling of composite and polycrystalline materials’’, Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai, India, December 2004.
  51. S. Ghosh “Multiple scale modeling of composite and polycrystalline materials’’, Bhabha Atomic Research Center, Trombay, India, December 2004.
  52. S. Ghosh “Modeling cyclic deformation in HSLA steels with direct interfaces to fatigue Modeling’’, Daimler Chrysler Corporation, Durability Tech Club Meeting, November 2004.
  53. S. Ghosh “Multiple scale modeling for deformation and failure of heterogeneous materials’’, Johns University, MD, September 2004
  54. S. Ghosh, H. Chao, A. Tiwary, D.M. Valiveti, “ Ductility modeling in cast Aluminum alloys’’, Ford Scientific Research Laboratory, Dearborn, MI, September 2004.
  55. S. Ghosh “Multiple scale modeling of composite and polycrystalline materials’’, Department of Engineering Mechanics, Beijing University, China, September 2004.
  56. S. Ghosh “Multiple scale modeling of composite and polycrystalline materials’’, Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen, MD, May 2004.
  57. S. Ghosh “Multi-scale modeling of heterogeneous materials ’’, University of Nebraska, November 2003.
  58. S. Ghosh, ` Multilevel models for multiple scale analysis of composite materials’, Annual Symposium in the Computational Science & Engineering Program, The University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, April 2003
  59. S. Ghosh, ` Multi-scale model for damage and failure of heterogeneous materials ’’, High Performance Computing Division, Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen, MD, April 2003.
  60. S. Ghosh, “An adaptive multi-level computational models for heterogeneous materials’’, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL March 2002.
  61. S. Ghosh, “An adaptive multi-level computational models for heterogeneous materials’’, Department of Civil Engineering and Theoretical & Applied Mechanics, The University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL April 2002.
  62. S. Ghosh, “Integrated experimental-computational program for development of fatigue based reliability models in automotive applications’’, Daimler Chrysler Corporation, Auburn Hills, MI, November 2002.
  63. S. Ghosh, “A multiscale approach to bone analysis and design of total hip prosthesis,” Center for Materials Research, The Ohio State University, May, 2002.
  64. S. Ghosh, “Adaptive multi-level computational models for material modeling’’, Department of Materials Science & Engineering, The Ohio State University, March 2001.
  65. S. Ghosh, “Multi-scale modeling of heterogeneous materials’’, Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico, December 2000.
  66. S. Ghosh, “Characterization and multi-scale modeling of composite materials’’, Department of Materials Science. Polytechnic University of Madrid, September 2000.
  67. S. Ghosh, “Characterization and multi-scale modeling of composite materials’’, CDGA, The University of Bordeaux I, France, September 2000.
  68. S. Ghosh, “Multiple scale modeling of damage in composite materials’’, Goodyear Technical Center, Akron, OH, November 1998.
  69. S. Ghosh, “Multiple Scale Modeling of Heterogeneous Materials: Jargon or Reality?” Department of Aerospace Engineering, Applied Mechanics & Aviation, The Ohio State University, October 1998.
  70. S. Ghosh, “Computational Modeling of Heterogeneous Materials; Material Characterization, Meso-scale and Multiple-Scale Modeling,” CDGA, The University of Bordeaux I, France, September 1997.
  71. S. Ghosh, “Computational mechanics in hierarchical modeling of heterogeneous materials,” Center for Materials Research, The Ohio State University, May, 1997.
  72. S. Ghosh, “Multiple scale analysis of heterogeneous materials with microstructural Voronoi cell finite element method and asymptotic homogenization,” Center for Materials Research, The Ohio State University, February, 1996.
  73. S. Ghosh, “Multiple scale analysis of porous and composite materials with microstructural Voronoi cell finite element method,” Naval Research Laboratory, Washington D.C., December 1995.
  74. S. Ghosh, “Multiple scale analysis of porous and composite materials with microstructural Voronoi cell finite element method,” Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, OH, September 1995.
  75. S. Ghosh, “Multiple scale analysis of heterogeneous materials with microstructural Voronoi Cell Finite Element Method,” Dept. of Aerospace Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, April 1995.
  76. S. Ghosh, “Multiple scale analysis of heterogeneous structures using the Voronoi cell finite element method,” Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, June 1994.
  77. S. Ghosh, “Multiple scale analysis of heterogeneous structures using the Voronoi cell finite element method,” Ford Scientific Research Laboratory, Dearborn, MI, May 1994.
  78. S. Ghosh, “Multiple scale analysis of heterogeneous materials using the Voronoi cell finite element method,” ALCOA Technical Center, Pittsburgh, PA, March 1994.
  79. S. Ghosh, “A material based finite element analysis of heterogeneous media involving Dirichlet tessellations,” ALCOA Technical Center, PA, July, 1992.
  80. S. Ghosh, “Adaptive arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian finite element method in metal forming simulation,” CRAY Research INC., March 1992.
  81. S. Ghosh, “A new finite element approach to analysis of random composites using tessellation methods,” ALCOA Technical Center, PA, September 1991.
  82. S. Ghosh, “Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian finite element method in metal forming simulation,” Indian Institute of Technology, India, June 1991.
  83. “An arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian finite element analysis for simulation of metal forming problems,” Research Seminar in Physics and Astronomy, The University of Alabama, April 1990.
  84. “An arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian finite element analysis for simulation of metal forming problems,” Metallurgical Engineering Research Seminar, The University of Alabama, October 1989.
  85. “Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian finite element description for forming simulations of elastic-viscoplastic solids,” Research Seminar, ALCOA Technical Center, PA, January 1989.
Teaching Experience
University Courses Taught

(i) At Johns Hopkins University

EN 560/530.730 Graduate Finite Element Methods
EN 560/530.772 Graduate Nonlinear Finite Element Methods
EN 560/530.770 Graduate Advanced Finite Element and Multi-scale Methods

(ii) At the Ohio State University

ME 400 Undergraduate Statics and Strength of Materials
ME 420 Undergraduate Strength of Materials
ME 639 Undergraduate/Graduate Applied Finite Element Method
ME 842 Graduate Computational Mechanics for Nonlinear Deformation
ME 838 Graduate Advanced Topics in Finite Element Methods
ME/CE 768 Graduate Introduction to Finite Element Methods
ME/CE 839 Graduate Finite Element Methods in Engineering Science

(iii) At the University of Alabama

MH 264 Undergraduate Dynamics
MH 540 Graduate Continuum Mechanics
MH 545 Graduate Finite Element Analysis
MH 640 Graduate Advanced Topics in Continuum Mechanics
MH 645 Graduate Advanced FEM in Engineering Mechanics
GES 554 Graduate Partial Differential Equations
GES 551 Graduate Vectors and Matrices
New Course Development

(i) At Johns Hopkins University

EN 560.739 Graduate Nonlinear Finite Element Methods
EN 530.790/ EN 560.790 Graduate Advanced Finite Element and Multi-scale Methods

(ii) At the Ohio State University

ME 639 Undergraduate/Graduate Applied Finite Element Method
ME 842 Graduate Computational Mechanics for Nonlinear Deformation
ME 838 Graduate Advanced Topics in Finite Element Methods

(iii) At the University of Alabama

MH 640 Graduate Advanced Topics in Continuum Mechanics
MH 645 Graduate Advanced FEM in Engineering Mechanics
Laboratory Supervision

(i) At the Ohio State University

ME 639 Computational Laboratory Developed a laboratory curriculum for Applied FEM class

(ii) At the University of Alabama
Workstation Network in Mechanics and Metallurgical Engineering: Systems Administrator

Professional Activities
Journal Editor
2015 Associate Editor, International Journal for Multi-scale Computational Engineering, Begell House Inc.
2012 Editorial Board, Materials Discovery Journal, Elsevier.
2012 Editorial Board, Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Science, Springer.
2012 Editorial Review Board, Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation (IMMI), Springer.
2010 Editorial Advisory Board, International Journal of Plasticity, Elsevier.
2009 Editorial Board, Computational Mechanics, Springer.
2008 Editorial Board, Modeling and Simulation in Materials Science & Engineering, Institute of Physics.
2007 Editorial Board, International Journal of Multiscale Modelling & Computation, World Scientific,
2007 Editorial Board, Interactive and Multiscale Mechanics: An International Journal, Techno-Press.
2004 Editorial Board, International Journal of Mechanics and Solids, Research India Publication.
2003 Editorial Advisory Board, Int. Journal for Multi-scale Computational Engineering, Begell House.
2004 Editorial Board, Int. Jour. Computational Meth. Engineering Science & Mechanics, Taylor & Francis.
2004-2010 Associate Editor, ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology.
2001-2004 Board of Editors, Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences, Tech Science Press.
Program Review Boards / Panels
2016 External Evaluation Team, Dept. of Materials Design & Innovation, University of Buffalo, NY
2016 Member of External Advisory Team, Comprehensive Digital Transformation (CDT), NASA Langley Research Center (LeRC)
2016 Member, Corporate Strategic Research’s 2016 CTC Reassessment Panel, ExxonMobil Corp.
Conference and Workshop Organiser
  1. Symposium on Uncertainty Quantification in Materials Science, Sandia National Laboratory, Sandia, NM, December 2017, Co-Organizer.
  2. IUTAM Symposium SYFSO12 on Integrated Computational Structure-Material Modeling of Deformation and Failure under Extreme Conditions, Royal Sonesta Harbor Court Hotel, Baltimore, MD, June 2016. Chair and Organizer.
  3. ARO sponsored workshop on Challenges in Integrated Computational Structure-Material Modeling of High Strain-Rate Deformation and Failure in Heterogeneous Materials, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, September 2013, Workshop Chair and Organizer.
  4. 22nd International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials (IWCMM-XXII), Baltimore, MD, September 2012, Workshop Chair and Organizer.
  5. AFOSR sponsored workshop on Multiscale, Multiphysics Analysis & Design for Multifunctional Applications (MMADMA), Westin Hotel, Arlington, VA, May 2011, Workshop Chair and Organizer.
  6. NSF sponsored workshop on Challenges in Computational Multiscale Materials Modeling (CCMMM), Westin Hotel, Arlington, VA, May 2011, Workshop Chair and Organizer.
  7. 10th US National Congress of Computational Mechanics, Columbus, Ohio, July 2009, Conference Chair and Organizer.
  8. Microstructure Simulation and Mesh Generation for FE Analysis, Ohio State University, December 6-7, 2007, Workshop Organizer (with A.D. Rollet and A. Geltmacher).
  9. NUMIFORM 2004: Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes, The Ohio State University, June 2004, Conference Chair and Organizer.
  10. ARO Workshop on Analysis and Design of New Engineered Materials and Systems with Applications, The Ohio State University, February 5-6, 2002, Workshop Organizer.
  11. The Integration of Material, Process and Product Design, Seven Springs, Mountain Resort, PA, October 19-20, 1998, Conference Co-Organizer (with N. Zabaras, L. Lalli, R. Becker).
Mini-symposia Organiser at Conferences
  1. Multiscale Structure-Materials Modeling: Addressing the State of the Art and Identified Gaps, World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM) , New York, NY, July 22-27, 2018, (with K. Matous).
  2. Hierarchical and Multiscale Methods for Simulation Based Design of Materials, EMI 2017: Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference, Cambridge, MA, May 29-31, 2018, (with A. Masud).
  3. Hierarchical and Multiscale Methods for Simulation Based Design of Materials, EMI 2017: Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference, San Diego, CA, June 4-7, 2017, (with A. Masud).
  4. Fundamental Methods for Integrating Microstructure-Property-Design Relationships into the ICME Paradigm — Microstructure Characterization and Representation, TMS 2015 144th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Orlando, FL, March 15-19, 2015, (with C. Woodward).
  5. High-Performance Aerospace Alloys Design Using ICME Approach TMS 2015 144th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Orlando, FL, March 15-19, 2015, (with A, Pandey and D. Li).
  6. Integrated Computational Materials Engineering -ICME, 11th. World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM2014), July 2014, (with G. Laschet, J. Llorca, E. A. Holm and M. Chiumenti).
  7. Homogenization and Coarse-Graining Methods for Heterogeneous Solids, US National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (USNCTAM), June 2014, (with D. M. Kochmann).
  8. Microstructural Effects in Plasticity, Plasticity ’10, St. Kitts Island, January 2010, (with Elizabeth Holm)
  9. Modeling Issues and Computational Methodologies of Virtual Polycrystals, 10th US National Congress of Computational Mechanics, Columbus, Ohio, July 2009, (with P. R. Dawson and P. Young)
  10. Nonlocal Methods and Length Scale Effects, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Boston, Ma, November 2008, (with F. Bobaru).
  11. Processing and Engineering Applications of Novel Materials, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Seattle, Wa, November 2007, (Track Co-Chair: with E. Sancaktar, D. Siginer, J. Liburdy, R. Koganti).
  12. Spatial and/or Temporal Multi-scale Modeling of Materials, 9th US National Congress of Computational Mechanics, San Francisco, CA, July 2007.
  13. Multi-Scale Simulations and Experiments in Materials Processes, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Chicago, IL, November 2006, (co-organizer: M. Li, A. Maniatty).
  14. Advances and Applications of Multiscale Modeling and Analysis Methods, 7th World Congress of Computational Mechanics: WCCM, Los Angeles, CA, July 2006, (co-organizer: K. Terada).
  15. Modeling Microscale Material Behavior with Experimental Integration, 7th World Congress of Computational Mechanics: WCCM, Los Angeles, CA, July 2006, (co-organizer: P. Dawson).
  16. Advances in Computing the Dynamic Behavior of Heterogeneous Materials, 7th World Congress of Computational Mechanics: WCCM, Los Angeles, CA, July 2006, (co-organizer: F. Bobaru).
  17. Multi-Scale Problems and Related Computational Methods, International Workshops on Advances in Computational Mechanics: IWACOM, Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan, November 2004, (co-organizer: K. Terada, T. Yamada).
  18. Multi-Scale Computational Methods for Composite Materials And Structures, 6th World Congress of Computational Mechanics, WCCM VI, Beijing, China, September 2004, (co-organizer: K. Terada).
  19. Multi-scale Material Modeling, 7th US National Congress of Computational Mechanics, Albuquerque, NM, July 2003.
  20. Material Modeling at Various Length Scales, International Conference on Computational Engineering and Sciences, Reno, Nevada, July-August 2002.
  21. Second Symposium on Computational Modeling of Multiscale Phenomena: Multiscale 2002, Petropolis, Brazil, August 2002. (co-organizer: G. Paulino)
  22. Arthur Leissa 70th Birthday Symposium, US National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Virginia Tech and State University, June, 2002. (co-organizer S.E. Bechtel and A. Noor).
  23. Computational Materials Modeling, International Conference on Computational Engineering and Sciences, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico August 2001.
  24. Computational Methods in Advanced Materials Modeling and Micromechanics, International Conference on Computational Engineering & Sciences, Atlanta, GA, October 1998.
  25. Bridging the Length Scales, 4th U.S. National Congress of Computational Mechanics, San Francisco, CA, August 1997. (co-organizer: J. Fish).
  26. Integrated Experimental-Computational Modeling of Advanced Materials, McNU’97, Summer Annual Meeting of ASME in 1997. (co-organizer: R.E. Everett).
  27. Computational Methods in Micromechanics, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 1995. (co-organizer: M. Ostoja-Starzewskii).
  28. Computational Methods in Micromechanics, 3rd U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Dallas, TX, June 1995.
  29. Adaptive Finite Element Method in Industrial Forming Processes, First National Congress of Computational Mechanics, Chicago, July 1991.
Conference Scientific/Advisory Committees
  1. EMI 2017 Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI) Conference, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, May 22-25, 2016, International Scientific Committee.
  2. EMI 2016 Conference & Probabilistic Mechanics & Reliability 2016 Conference, San Diego, California, USA, June 4-7, 2017, International Scientific Committee.
  3. Gordon Research Conference on Multifunctional Materials & Structures: The Science of Autonomic, Adaptive and Self-Sustaining Systems, Ventura, CA, January 31-February 5, 2016, Advisory Committee.
  4. PANACM 2015: 1st. Pan-American Congress on Computational Mechanics, Buenos Aires, Argentina, April 27-29, 2015, International Scientific Committee.
  5. UNCECOMP 2015: 1st International Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering, 25 – 27 May 2015 Crete Island, Greece, International Scientific Committee.
  6. 5th International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation (ICCMS 2014), CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre (CSIR-SERC), Chennai, India, December 10-13, 2014, International Scientific Advisory Committee.
  7. 24th International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials (IWCMM 24), IMDEA Materials Institute, Getafe, Madrid, October 1-3, 2014, International Organizing Committee.
  8. 7th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling (MMM2014), Berkeley, CA, October 6-10, 2014, International Advisory Committee.
  9. 2nd Mach Conference, Annapolis, MD, April 9-11, 2014, Scientific Committee.
  10. 23rd International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials (IWCMM 23), National University of Singapore, Singapore, October 2-5, 2013, International Organizing Committee.
  11. 2013 Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference of American Society of Civil Engineers (EMI 2013), Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, August 4-7, 2013, Scientific Committee.
  12. 12th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM12), Raleigh, North Carolina, July 22-25, 2013, USACM Executive Council and Steering Committee.
  13. 11th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes, NUMIFORM 2013, Institute of Metal Research, Shenyang, China, July 6-10, 2013, Steering Committee.
  14. 4th International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation (ICCMS 2012), Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, India, December 10-12, 2012, International Scientific Committee.
  15. 6th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling, Singapore, October 2012, International Advisory Board and Steering Committee.
  16. 5th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling, Freiburg/Germany, October 2010, International Advisory Board.
  17. 9th US National Congress of Computational Mechanics, San Francisco, CA, July 2007, Technical Committee member.
  18. ICTACEM 2004: Third International Congress on Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, December 2004, Technical Committee Co-Chair.
  19. International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, December 2004, Member of International Advisory Committee.
  20. Mesoscale Mechanics of Heterogeneous Materials, University of Alborg, Denmark, August 2002, Member of the Scientific Committee.
  21. ICES’02 International Conference on Computational Engineering & Sciences, Reno, Nevada, July-August 2002, Member of the Scientific Program Committee.
  22. USNCCM VI Sixth U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Dearborn, Michigan, August 2001, Member of the Scientific Committee.
  23. ICES’01 International Conference on Computational Engineering & Sciences, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, August 2001, Member of the Scientific Program Committee.
  24. 2nd International Conference on Theoretical, Computational and Experimental Mechanics”, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, December 2001, Member of the International Advisory Committee.
  25. 5th International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity, Columbus OH, October 1996, Member of the Organizing Committee.
Professional Society Affiliation and Leadership
2016-2019 Member, Board of Governors, Engineering Mechanics Institute, ASCE
2018-2019 Treasurer, Board of Governors, Engineering Mechanics Institute, ASCE
2014-2016 President, United States Association of Computational Mechanics
2016- Chair, Advisory Committee, Gordon Research Conference on Multifunctional Materials & Structures:
The Science of Autonomic, Adaptive & Self-Sustaining Systems
2012-2014 Vice-President, United States Association of Computational Mechanics
2015- Member, Materials Innovation Committee, TMS
2014- Member, Computational Materials Science and Engineering Committee, TMS
2014- Member, Integrated Computational Materials Engineering Committee, TMS
2010-2012 Secretary & Treasurer, United States Association of Computational Mechanics
2011-2013 Chair, Computational Mechanics Comm., Engineering Mechanics Institute, ASCE
2010-2011 Vice Chair, Computational Mechanics Committee, EMI, ASCE
2009 Chair, Organizing Committee, 10th US Nat. Congress on Computational Mechanics
2009-2016 Ordinary Member, General Council, Intl. Association of Computational Mechanics
2007-2009 Chair, ASME-AMD Committee of Computing in Applied Mechanics
2007-2009 Chair, ASME-AMD Committee of Material Processing and Manufacturing
2008-2012 Member, Executive Council, US Association for Computational Mechanics
2007- Member, ASME-AMD Award Endowment Committee
2005-2007 Vice Chair, ASME-AMD Committee of Material Processing and Manufacturing
2005-2007 Vice Chair, ASME-AMD Committee of Computing in Applied Mechanics,
2007- Fellow &Member, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
2000- Fellow & Member, ASM International, The Material Information Society
1988- Fellow & Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
1990- Fellow & Member, United States Association of Computational Mechanics
2012- Member, American Society for Civil Engineers (M.ASCE)
2010-2012 Associate Member, American Society for Civil Engineers (AM.ASCE)
2006- Member, American Society for Composites (ASC)
2006- Member, The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (TMS)
2002- Member, Executive Council, US Assoc. for Computational Mechanics,
2000- Chair, Committee on Material Modeling, (USACM)
1990- Member, International Association of Computational Mechanics (IACM)
2000- Member, American Academy of Mechanics
2000- Member, Technical Committee on Computational Mechanics, ASCE
University Service and Committees
University Leadership
2016-present Founder-Director, Johns Hopkins Software Hub (JHU-SofHub)
2013-present Director, Johns Hopkins Center for Integrated Structure-Materials Modeling & Simulation (CISMMS)
College and University Committees

(i) At Johns Hopkins University

2016 Chair, Ad Hoc P&T Committee, Earth & Planetary Sciences
2014-2015 Ad Hoc P&T Committee, ME
2014-2015 Whiting School of Engineering vice Dean Search Committee
2012-2013 Hopkins Extreme Materials Institute (HEMI) Executive Committee
2012 MSE Ad Hoc Promotion Committee
2012 MSE Departmental Review Committee
2012-2013 WSE Strategic Plan Implementation Committee

(ii) At the Ohio State University

2009-2011 University Research Computing Committee
2009 College of Engineering, Dean’s Leadership Committee
2008-2011 University Senate Committee on Honorary Degrees
2008-2011 President’s AAAS Fellows Committee
2006 College of Engineering Faculty Search Committee
2006 Co-Lead in College’s multi-million dollar successful proposal on “Materials Modeling”
in response to Provost’s Targeted Investment in Excellence (TIE).
2005 College of Engineering Strategic Planning Committee
2005 College of Engineering Strategic Planning Subcommittee in Advanced Materials
2005 College of Engineering Strategic Planning Subcommittee in Computing & Information
2005 College of Engineering Strategic Planning Subcommittee in Manufacturing
2003-2006 Faculty Advisory Committee Member, Center for Automotive Research
2001-2003 College of Engineering, Honors and Awards Committee
2001-2003 College of Engineering, Promotion and Tenure Committee
1991-1998 College of Engineering, Computer Planning Committee
1994-1996 College of Engineering, Honors Committee
1993 Chair, Region II PC subcommittee

(iii) At the University of Alabama

1988-1991 College of Engineering Computer Facilities and Software Committee
1990 College of Engineering Ad-hoc Committee for Tenure and Promotion
Departmental Committees

(i) At Johns Hopkins University

2011-2012 Seminar Coordinator, CE department
2012-2014 Member, Graduate Studies committee, CE department
2012-2014 Member, Computing and IT committee, CE department
2012-2014 Member, External Affairs committee, CE department
2015-2018 Member, Undergraduate Studies committee, CE department
2014-2016 Member, Faculty Search committee, CE department

(ii) At the Ohio State University

2010 Chair, Department P&T Committee, ME department
2009 Ad-hoc Curriculum committee for ME Semester Conversion
2009 Ad-hoc committee for ME Performance Planning
2008-2009 Department P&T Committee, ME department
2007- 2009 Graduate Studies Committee, ME department
2007-2009 Graduate Recruiting Committee, ME dept.
2007-2011 Awards Committee, ME dept.
2006 Chair, Faculty Search Committee for Multi-scale Materials
2006-2007 Academic Review Self Study Committee, ME dept.
2005 Strategic Planning Committee, ME dept.
2004-2005 Member, Ohio Eminent Scholar Search Committee, ME dept.
2003-2004 Chair, Computer Committee, ME dept.
2002-2003 Chair, Applied Mechanics Interest Group, ME dept.
2002-2003 Chair, Search Committee in Computational Mechanics, ME dept.
2002-2003 Member, Search Committee in Design & Manufacturing, ME dept.
2002-2003 Member, Search Committee in Chair in MSE department
2001-2002 Honors and Awards Committee, ME department
2001-2002 Member, Search Committee in Physical Metallurgy, MSE dept.
2000-2001 Fellowship Coordinator, Graduate Studies Committee, ME department
1999-2001 Graduate Studies Committee, ME department
1999-2000 Computer Planning Committee, ME department
1994-1999 Chair, Integration Committee, AAA department
1994-1999 Member, Applied Mechanics Graduate Studies Committee
1997-1998 Chair, Recruiting Committee, AAA department
1993-1998 Chair, Computer Planning Committee of Applied Mechanics
1993-1994 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee

(iii) At the University of Alabama

1989-1990 Departmental Graduate Student Recruiting Committee
1989-1991 Departmental Computer Resources Committee
Other Activities
Short Courses & Workshops Attended
2005 NSF Summer Institute on Nano-Mechanics and Materials, Northwestern University.
1996 The Mechanics-Materials Linkage, IMM Summer School.
1996 Fracture Mechanics and Failure Analysis, ETech Inc., by Rosakis, Ravichandran, Ortiz and Kanninen.
1990 Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis, T.J.R. Hughes and T. Belytschko.
Funding Agency Panels/Workshops Attended
2015 Panelist and speaker, Panel on “Integrated Computational Materials Engineering for Composite Materials”, SAMPE 2015, Baltimore, MD, May 19, 2015.
2013 Chair, ARO workshop on Challenges in Integrated Computational Structure-Material Modeling of High Strain-Rate Deformation and Failure in Heterogeneous Materials, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, September 2013.
2011 Chair, AFOSR workshop on Multiscale, Multiphysics Analysis & Design for Multifunctional Applications, Arlington, VA, May 2011.
2011 Chair, NSF workshop on Challenges in Computational Multiscale Materials Modeling, Arlington, VA, May 2011,
2010 AFOSR Workshop of Integrated Sensor Technologies & Electromagnetic Interference, University of California LA, October 6.
2009 NSF Workshop of Mesoscale Mechanics of Complex Materials, Vancouver, Canada, November 2-4.
2009 AFOSR Multi-Scale Modeling Planning Workshop, Dayton, OH, December 9-10.
2009 AFRL Multi-Scale Modeling of Turbine Blade Mini-Workshop, December 14.
2008 AFOSR Workshop on Multiscale Computational Methods for Complex Materials, Boston, MA, November.
2006 AFOSR Workshop on Multiscale Modeling of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composites, Long Beach, CA, May.
2004 AFOSR Prognosis Workshop, Washington D.C, June.
2002 ARO Workshop on Analysis and Design of New Engineered Materials and Systems with Applications, The Ohio State University, February 5-6.
Book Reviewer
  1. Prentice Hall, Wiley& Sons, Springer
  2. Applied Mechanics Reviews
Funding Agency Review Panels Served
  1. The National Science Foundation
  2. Army Research Office
  3. Air Force Office of Scientific Research
  4. DOE ASC Centers
  5. AFRL Midwest Structural Science Center, 2009-2011
Journal Reviewer
  1. ASME, Journal of Applied Mechanics
  2. ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology
  3. AIAA Journal
  4. Acta Materialia
  5. Applied Mechanics Reviews
  6. Advances in Engineering Software
  7. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
  8. Composite Science and Technology
  9. Computational Modeling in Engineering and Science
  10. Computational Mechanics
  11. Computational Material Science
  12. Engineering Fracture Mechanics
  13. International Journal of Solids and Structures
  14. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
  15. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
  16. International Journal of Computational Engineering Science
  17. International Journal of Fracture
  18. Journal of Composite Materials
  19. Journal for the Mechanics and Physics of Solids
  20. Mechanics of Materials
  21. Microcomputers in Civil Engineering
  22. Mechanics of Materials
  23. Materials Science and Engineering
  24. Modeling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering
  25. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures
  26. Numerical Heat Transfer
  27. Scripta Materialia and many others
Career Highlights
  • Leader in the field of Computational Mechanics of Materials, especially in Integrated Computational Structure-Materials Modeling or ICSMM.
  • Has developed strong interdisciplinary research programs integrating the Computational Mechanics and Computational Materials Science scientific communities. This has formed a foundation for the Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) paradigm. A citation of his ASM International Fellow Award reads: “For outstanding contribution to the field of computational mechanics, and for sustained ambassadorship of materials engineering across these communities.”
  • Has developed the powerful and internationally known Voronoi cell finite element method or VCFEM.
  • Has made significant research contributions to multi-scale modeling of deformation and failure response of metallic and composite materials and recently in multi-functional material problems.